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On A Tight Schedule? Here's a couple fitness workouts to combat that problem.

Ever been so stressed for time that you literally didn't have time for anything?

Not enough time to eat.

Not enough time to sleep.

Not enough time to go to the bathroom.

Okay, that last one was a little bit of an exaggeration but you sort of catch my drift. With everything in today's world fighting for your time and attention, it can be real easy to not have time for anything. Especially when it comes to your personal fitness. The purpose of this blog topic is to get some of that time back, as much as you can.


Too many people are quit to overlook the importance of bodyweight training giving it the title of being a "beginner" workout. You can become very strong by just training bodyweight. Just ask the people who do calisthenics. Bodyweight training is all about the basics, which is perfect for someone who doesn't have much time on their hands.

Simply incorporating exercies such as Push-Ups, Squats, Pull-Ups, Sit-Ups, & Dips will not only do wonders for your workout, but can also decrease the amount of time you spend working out by up15 to 30 minutes.


I have just three letters for you.

TRX: Total-Body Resistance Exercise

Suspension training techniques have been designed to utilize the whole of your body as a single coordinated system. TRX Suspension Training is a great development step in functional training. TRX is portable and can be set up anywhere. Giving you the opportunity to perfrom a multitude of exercises in a short amount of time.

Next time you're in the gym and find yourself face-toface with a TRX Suspension, try out a quick 15 minute workout just like this one! (


A treadmill is not only a great place to walk, run or climb hills but these days treadmills are the place for strength workouts too. Try some walking lunges at a pace of 1.2mph or walking backwards, sideways, or skipping. Opt in for upper body moves like bear crawl with feet on the floor and hands on the treadmill or turn around with hands on the floor and try an inchworm move.

(Feet on treadmill move towards the hands and the just back into plank. The change from just running or walking can increase balance, speed, and cross train the lower body. Treadmills can seem nonchalant to people use to running freely, but there's so many different things to try in a short amount of time!


This one will leave you out of breathe.

One of the best calorie-burning workouts you can try. Interval training alternates between high intensity workout moves with recovery periods. Look for one with the 2:1 ratio of rest to high intensity. Research shows that interval training workouts in which you alternate periods of high-intensity exercise with low-intensity recovery periods increases fitness and burns more calories over a short period of time than steady-state cardio.

Classes that are “express” or “30-Minutes” are typically high intensity interval training. Other names you might find “Tabata”, “Bootcamps” and “HIIT” classes. Add these interval training workouts or moves to your gym routine once a week to burn more calories, build more fitness, and get out of the gym faster.

Getting any ideas after reading this blog? Let me know what type of workout gets you going!

Comment down below if you have any tips that someone else can use

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